Grégoire De lafforest

De lafforest

Grégoirede Lafforest2018 2

With his signature creation for Obumex, Grégoire de Lafforest developed a radically contemporary take on both the function and the design of the kitchen that nowadays – more than ever before - has become a real living space. 

configurate your kitchen

celebrating the heart of cooking

Brugge Devlaminck 31 Re
20180423 Obumex Showroom Sint Denijs Westrem 110

hidden functionality

While the functional technical elements (devices, etc.) disappear out of sight in his design, de Lafforest indeed pays ample attention to the objects which, in a certain sense, collect themselves in a kitchen: decorative objects, (cooking) books, accessories, …

Stéphanie Mathias Photography OBUMEX Showroom Gent 138
Stéphanie Mathias Photography OBUMEX Showroom Gent 149
Brugge Devlaminck 39 Re

want to configurate
your signature kitchen?

2312 Obumex Luxemburg E 402

our high end

05152019 Obumex Desmet Wervik Annick Vernimmen 056

total interior,
& furniture

obumex expertise